How do you Brainstorm?

As we keep evolving in an uncertain world, the need of permanent creativity and agility made brainstorming a technique that we cannot do without. As a reminder, brainstorming is a situation


Today, I wanted to talk to you about rethinking stress and trying to manage it. The first thing to bear in mind is that stress is a paradox...

The Mini-Me syndrome : How aware are you of this blind spot  ?

While for some of you Mini-Me might resonate with the name of the character played by Verne Troyer in the movie Austin Powers ...


Dear Risers, while this might sound counter intuitive to some of you that consider that their priority is to first manage the business ...

How we are is How we Lead

Dear Risers, through this video, we invite you to reflect on how you look at yourself and the impact this has on everything...
