Saying thank you at work

Saying “Thank you” and “Please” in a meaningful way are one of the first few things we teach our children

Burnout, our role as leaders

With a permanent push to over-achieving, over-performing, over-working fueled by both the perception that pushing our limits in unprecedented ways

How do you Brainstorm?

As we keep evolving in an uncertain world, the need of permanent creativity and agility made brainstorming a technique that we cannot do without. As a reminder, brainstorming is a situation

The Mini-Me syndrome : How aware are you of this blind spot  ?

While for some of you Mini-Me might resonate with the name of the character played by Verne Troyer in the movie Austin Powers ...

Great successes come from having the freedom to fail

Quite often we hear, don’t be afraid to fail, be afraid of not trying.  It’s about getting out there and doing it.

There are so many ways to look…

Through this video, in order to keep on building your self-awareness, we invite you to get some perspective on how there are different ways ...


Thank you ❤️. My wish for my birthday is that we rise together to bring more love, care, humanity and respect into this world ...

How do you combine vulnerability together with leadership?

Combining vulnerability together with leadership is probably one of the most challenging things to do for a leader...


Today, I wanted to ask you how “awake” you were. Here I am not talking about your potential need of a coffee, but more of how self-aware you are...


So many things have changed in the last two months.Through this video, I’ll try to give you a few tips to support you on how to keep your ...
