THINK before you speak : The Power of Mindful Communication

In this video, learn why treating yourself with kindness and understanding is the key to effective leadership.

How to prep yourself up before a presentation?

Whether you're gearing up for a business pitch, a conference presentation, or a classroom talk, these tips will help you deliver a memorable and engaging performance

What is active listening?

Learn how to elevate your leadership game, foster a culture of trust, and propel your team's success by mastering the art of truly connecting through active listening.

Introducing Yourself: Making a Great First Impression

In this short and insightful video, learn the essential steps to introducing yourself ...

5 tips to build your personal brand

In today's world, everyone is a brand. Your image impacts the first impression...

Here are 3 tips to help you land your message

Being a great communicator is fundamental to personal and career success...


Giving presentations is something we do regularly at work. Yet not many give...


The most important relationship to get right when starting a new job is the one with your boss...


It takes about 45 seconds for someone to decide if they will keep on listening to you and invest in you.


Credibility comprises the objective and subjective components of the believability of a source or message.
